"A wheen i" - a lot of
"Ken this?" - you cannot be serious
"Wheest the noo" - be quiet
"Zatazawin?" - is everyone safely in the vehicle?
"Face like a skelpt erse" - a ruddy complexion
Any mair?
UPDATE: Keep addn ya bas
- Memories of olden times that bring a tear to the eye, like sawdust fi a passing Anderson's lorry.
a favourite of mine
ahdootsie - I suppose so
"hinksi?" Oh, so you think so
"kensi" Indeed I do
"Nah!" - I would have to disagree with you on that point.
"Sah!" - I retort, sir, and insist I am correct.
"Eh...Dinnyhinksi" - I definately don't think so.
Merry doanty - to be related through matrimony
it'll no eat a piece - free from maintenance costs
Doon the toon - retail establishments
Grippit - desparate ("My wife will be here shortly. She had to visit the ladies room. She was grippit, your majesty")
Guid - prefix used in place of the suffix '-in-law', thus Guid faither, guid mither, etc.
(noun) - a a 1995 European Court of Justice decision allowing professional football players in the European Union (EU) to move freely to another club at the end of their term of contract with their present team.
(exclam.) - you are talking pish!
a bawhare ... a cuple i millimetres !
a gundy aka drain !!
I was always fond of "Gemme as eggs", that being something of the highest quality.
"Haw Sher" - Now hang on just a minute !
(noun) - a paricularly severe haircut
(noun)(ancient deriv.) - a street game invented in G-pans, Bo'ness using ironmoulding cast-offs from Ballantine's Foondry.
(noun)(modern) - testicles.
(noun) - to form a relationship with the opposite sex
Cuntybaws- extremely annoying person.
Lon Chaney- the opposite sex.
Scooroot- Wedding giveaway for cleggit folk.
Cleggit- Deanfield
Here we go again. FFS Lorne, how minny times? It's pronounced Chay-nee, no Channy. FFS
Tho - (idiom) Used at the end of a sentence to negate an apparently positive statement.
"Lon Chaney diz rhyme with fanny, tho"
"Toaty" Quite small
Not to be confused wi
"Tooty" A certain G-Panser whose hoose subsided cause i a mine shaft cavin in( a not uncommon ocurrence in Bo'ness)!
"Ken her, ah've been ben her!"
(saying) - of lads on an all day session, after consuming several units of alcohol, to admit knowing a female aquaintance in the biblical sense.
Ken her? Ah've clapped her dug - ah tried tae get to ken her an gaun aw the wiy tae the toon, bit wiz flung aff the bus at the Snab
No like ye - fkn typical
In aw'hing bar Mary Hellish's menage - to have a wide variety of interests
Pusi-hair - A wee bit finer than a Baw hare
Ballup - trooser zipper
Nelly Bryce
(noun) - someone who wastes a surprise
(adverb) - apparently,evidently,externally, ostensibly.
In Bo'ness, usually used to substantiate an unfounded rumour.
"Semenly she wis merry doanty yin i the Monkey Sneddon clan"
"Bowf" Not very good/pretty rubbish
"Gowf" A game where ye hit a wee ball to nowhere in particular. Much the same as bowf.
Haw!: Haw!
"Hingin" - Something (or someone) of very poor quality. Not to be confused with "Mingin".
"Aye rrrrrrrrright!" - A comment of disbelief. Usually accompanied by a stroking of the chin.
Ah et it aw - the edible items you left in my care have been consumed, by me.
Havvers - originally halves, now any fraction of a whole:- "Three i us went havvers oan yin"
Havers - posts by Lorne
Yin, twa, shree, ferr - basic arithmetic
Kirby - an urban pastime played on highways with a football. Unbeaten champion, 1974 - 1978 was H McIntosh, Maidenpark.
(noun)(adjective) Seven
(noun)(adjective) Eleven
Aboot Seevin hunner n eleevin
(noun)(adjective) To wildly exaggerate
Gutties - Footwear, ostensibly of the species Trainers Vulgaris though more traditionaly applied to the vulcanised, black Benny Hill variety.
"It's not worth the Clacks it would take to sink it." Something not worth paying for. Not in Prax, anyway.
Tefal Heid - old scots
Descriptive term, coined by certain employees of Ballantines Foundry circa 1984. Applied to anyone who may have passed an exam of any educational merit
To the bastard son of dean friedman
"How much for this leg of Lamb ?"
Heh Heh !!
Coconut Dug - A well endowed canine.
"Wid ye jump in the doak if he did it?" A common query from mothers when someone wanted to do something wrong and then stated that their pal also did the same thing.
"Ah'll [enter something a child wants to do/see/eat/wear, etc] yeh!" Mums to kids - you're not doing/seeing/eating/wearing that. As in "Ah'll Harrington Jaiket yeh! Pit oan yer Parka!"
"...no more" - Added to the noun of anything that has just disappeared (from the Proclaimers song 'Letter from America'). As in: "Fuck, the last bus f'Lithgy's left." "Bus...no more"
Aye ah ken. Like "BU Club...no more". Bichrist.
Semi-blasphemous cry of reignation.
(equiv)(cockney) wid u adam n eve it.
(noun)a small long-winged songbird noted for swift graceful flight and the regularity of its migrations aft times sen flittin aboot the Vicky Park.
1. A gid drink
2. Whit u expect Lithgi lassies ti dae
See? ah diz way me ti gaun hoo no far ere wi the noo til Setturday!
ken? whit? Naaaaaw! Lithgi wizny ther til under cause fi then. Naw?
Hooooo! Faither gaun since wee nut ti you fi the wee hill tae hingy wi the ither. Ken?
Fuck knows
Glaikit - bearing an expression of naivety or ignorance
"Himnit" - That man who did that. As in "What's the namey that guy?Himnit shagged that lassie that wi'a face like a burst couch."
Claigurt - extremely dirty, covered with muck. The organic kind, rather than the sort to be found in Lorne or Carrier's cache.
Chuffed tae the gutties - extremely pleased with something, from your shaw (qv) , down to your Trainers Vulgaris (qv).
(noun) a response heard when enquiring how Lorne's nag goat oan in the National.
"Klugheid" - idiot.
(noun) clothes
Fair Klaze
(noun) a ful new rig oot fur the Bo'ness Fair, invariably purchased in the 80s from Chelsea Boy
Lord Anthony
(noun)(brand) the 70s bespoke tailor who exclusively supplied snorkel jaikets n sta-press troosers ti Wevlings
Winfield Adidas
(noun) cheapo trainers oot i Woolies doon the toon
There's a clothes shop in Portobello called Klaze.
Nane - nothing, nil, zero. Frequently used to indicate a lack of forthcoming. Many posters on this blog, on returning home on Saturday after an ADS for Not so junior's head wetting, may have tapped a sleeping shoulder in anticipation, only to be informed, "Yoor gittin nane"
Gie - exchange ownership
Gees - please may I have
"Hingwi" - That person whose name presently eludes me.
Whit aboot Joabie as in " a need a joabie"
Spoof, an adolescent term for semen.
Yin of ma favorite sayins is " It'll no eat gress" a discription of yir pairtners fanny if yiv no hud it fir a while.
Lorne, indeed. I believe the full phrase, describing a lady's private parts what huv been inactive for some time is:
"It disny eat gress. Jist as weel, or thur wid be nane left fur the coos"
"It'll no keek oan ye" - that item of klaze (qv) is too wee for you. One of Mrs Tricky's earlier today
Whit aboot "Paw Draw" when some blighter wi nae fags(possibly Binnz) asks fir a draw of yir fag, but the fear of him not returning said item the fag owner holds onto the fag.
Ben the scullery, usually preceded by "Whars ma maw"
Is it wheecht!
(retort) No it is not.
Five, ten straight ti London
Instead of simply tossing a coin to see who has first pick of the players in any team game, young Bo'nessians would oft times use this method involving the two captains stepping in a straight line towards each other from a distance of 30 yards until the first person gits his taes stood oan.
Derivatives include "Nae half steps" and "Nae detours".
Fkn krasy.
"Five ten injected." This saying would then be followed by the person biting their hand to stop them getting bugs fi some tink. Even fkn krasier.
Jiiiiiiiimmmmmmmm. An oft heard cry from the bus' mother anywhere in Bo'ness that we happened to be.
"Foosty" - Something that has gone off, past its sell-by-date. Such as fruit, meat, vegetables, pudenda.
yull hayty (yul hay i) - it is imperative that you do
Een sicht - vision
Guid een sicht - 20/20 vision
Bleendy - Paddy G
"Ye didny didye?"
Utter disbelief
(Noun)(Ancient place name)
Former red-bricked housing scheme in the upmarket West End of Bo'ness built in the early twentieth century to house miners from the nearby Kinneil colliery. All current residents of Bo'ness are descended from residents of Cassaloan.
Also East Cassaloan - the snobby end whaur the Rooney clan yased ti bide.
Contraction of could not.
Contraction of did not.
Both words themselves modified by Mowgli when telling his famous Steak & Kidley Pie joke.
"Coafin bloak"- A small cul de sac "doon the toon" which, funnily enough, resembles a coffin. Also known as "a guid place ti score some gear".
Point of oardur Yan, it's the entrances to the closes that look like coffins.
Piany Bloak - the extremely posh bit of Cassaloan (q.v.) where pit foreman bid (qv possibly). Them whit could afford pianos.
Ah hink yur wrong oan this yin Tricky, if ye look it the shape i the bloak it defo looks like a coafin. No ti say thit the entrances dinny look like thum anaw(tho ah've nivir noticed it masel) bit ah eyewis assumed it wis because i the shape i the bloak. Howivir, assume eyewis makes an ass i u n me.
Sounds like a job for Mowgli and his roving camera.
In ithir news....
A hearse reversed inty the Lloyds Pharmacy up it the Health Centre the day.
Undertakin wis heards askn if the chemist hud "anyhin ti stoap his coaffin".
A precision sport in which the goal is to roll slightly radially asymmetrical balls (called bowls) closest to a smaller white ball (the "jack"). It is played outdoors on grass at three venues in Bo'ness, namely Kinneil Bridgeness and Bo'ness Bowling Clubs.
(vb.n.)To be in a rage; to be hot with anger, esp. when a wee sweery Grangepanser runs acroass the Bo'ness BC Boolin Green.
(noun, adv.)
1. To enjoy ones own company.
"Nae wunner he's singul wi oaxsters like yon""
2. A bus ticket to any destination within Bo'ness
" A singul ti the billboards please Mr. Scoabbie".
3. To order fried food WITHOUT a side order of french fried potatoes
"Singul Broon Fish Berti - aye, eviryin oan."
Obdy (pronoun) - everyone. Wife to be "Whom shall we invite to our wedding darling?" Husband to be "Obdy"
The moarns moarnin - tomorrow, pre-lunch
Bo'ness word for the turnip (Brassica rapa var. rapa), a root vegetable commonly grown in temperate climates worldwide for its white, bulbous taproot. Small, tender, varieties are grown for human consumption, while larger varieties are grown as feed for livestock.
Someone who is thick as fk.
(Adj) Easy, nae bother. ie "di ye hink ye kin jump that garage?" answer " toafy". Except they couldny n ah goat a skelpin fi ma faither fur no lookin efter ma wee brither who goat a split heid!
Flightin (v) - to be annoyed at. "ur you flightin at me, jist cause ah aye yais a rhymin slang thit disny rhyme?"
Carriden (n) - NE area of Bo'ness, name believed to be derived from Carrier's Den, a hidey hole made of mud and foliage which housed the hermit Carrier. Evidence is the fossilised ginger pubes and the copy of the 812 AD Safety at Work act discovered there.
Da'en it (v) - to have sexual relations with. "Ur ye da'en it wi hur?"
"Heid like a biscuit tin"
- of a Linlithgow Rose Player, to be unable to head the ball.
"Heid like a fifty boab bit"
Doactur - medical man
Doachtur - female offspring
Doactur's Doachtur - last Setturday's episode of Dr Who
Ballynowski, that must huv been sum size i a heid if it wis a fifty boab bit. Five times bigger thin a ten boab bit ah wid imagine. Sorry, ah am a bit o a pedant.
Haw! You're a pedant? A thocht it wiz Futin Det that wiz the laddie that did the feet? Haw!
Ahleevin ti yin ootsider. Haw!
Busy, invariably with females.
"Semenly, The Star wis hoatchin last Settirdiy, accordin ti Lorne".
"The berries" - see "Gemme as eggs"
Plug,pluggin it.
Noun- To absent oneself from school without official agreement. Generally, to wander aboot the toon oan yur ain is aw yur mates ur still it skull.
Sharely! - (adv) semi-derogaturry expression of jealousy or envy, when advised of news of personal gain or advancement.
Sharely! Sharely yiv goat er much money. Sharely yiv moved ti the Beezers. Sharely!
Rumkeg - a non-truth, derived fi a legendary find er the shore.
Daen ma ful heid in - driving me to distraction, somewhat
"Callicode" - a piggyback
Oany - Any
Hunny - Haven't
"Oany honey?" "Hunny oany"
"Ah've no goat a meenit" &
"Ah canny git oot the bit"
Expressions of despair at how much there is to do and how little time there is to do it in. Most frequently uttered, repeatedly, at school gates by mothers who, having dropped their charges off at school, spend the next half an hour telling each other how they "huvny goat a meenit tae masel".
Bide - reside, past participle, bid.
Hit - it ("luk at hit"); at
Orpheus :
- legendary figure of Greek mythology. Chief among poets and musicians, and the perfector of the lyre. King of the Thracian tribe of Cicones. Son of the Thracian river god Oiagros and the Muse Calliope;
- opposite to where we are or were.
Ah mind i him, he bid orpheus hit cumlouden
"Chungy" - A substance which loses its flavour on the bedpost overnight.
(noun) - the array of foodstuffs provided at a Bo'ness function.
Usually preceded by the adjective "Braw".
"When yon lassie Hamilton merrydoanty that Snedden laddie they pit oan a braw purvey in the Coaffy Hoose".
A raging thirst.
"Whit ah drooth ah hud eftir eatn yin i they Dhillon's Calzone Pizzas serr".
A bag
"Run along ti Danny's n git me a poak i chips n a boatil i ginger".
Dull yin
A nasty injury
"The bugs" - A childhood malady of unknown origin.
"Five, Ten Injected" - Said whilst biting the back of your hand to ward off the aforementioned malady.
1.To hear the same thing twice.
2.Of brithirs fi the boatim i Boundary Street, ti uncannily poast the same Bo'ness saying AND same meaning in the yin comments section.
I suppose so.
Y'ken, I never actually noticed that. Bound to happen after over 100 comments.
to be covered in something nasty
"Her pants wur riddlt wi sif min"
to burp loudly
"Canny drink yon Charger - makes me rift aw nicht".
"Pishin fur Scoatland" - To have an extended period of urination.
"Ah jist goat oot the car and rushed t'the front door as ah wiz bursting, but ah couldny get mah key in the door so ah jist did it at the side i the hoose. Ah tell ye, ah wiz pishin for Scoatland. Anyway, here's Heather with the weather."
"Wee Fair"
(1) In Bo'ness, a local community-based version of the Fair.
(2) What Bo'nessians use to describe rubbishy wee gala days in the rest of central Scotland towns.
Like the Mairches fur instance
Through in
"Ben the scullery"
Through in the kitchen
"Ben the snug"
Through in the small ante room of the public house
"Ben Doonigan"
Irish Homosexual
A 1985 adventure-comedy film directed by Richard Donner. The screenplay was written by Chris Columbus from a story by Steven Spielberg. In the film, a band of kids from the "Goon Docks" neighborhood of Astoria, Oregon, hoping to save their homes from demolition, go on an adventure to find the buried treasure of One-Eyed Willy, a legendary 17th century pirate.
Bo'ness lassies' nightwear.
Shut yer geggie! - Wheesht
Wheest - Shut yer geggie
Whoormaister - A chap who has a lot of luck with the ladies, and an itchy cock.
Pitaingininanaw---Could you add a pickled onion to my pudding supper.
Bo'ness Wedding Cake
(n.) Award winning Steak Pie oot i Burns the Butcher doon the Toon.
(noun)(verb) to move house
Moonlicht Flit
(noun)(verb) of Grangepans, to move house without telling any neighbours, invariably leaving behind a trail of unpaid rent, bad debt n aboot £500 due ti Gibson's the Windycleaner.
Welcum ti Scotslanguage viewers - feel free ti add yir ain!
J.R Hartley - maiden park giro L.Z.
Scud- adj. to be struck with swift and violent force "He goat a fair scud aff that mitre 5"
Scud - in the nude, the "buff"
Scuddies - top shelf magazines found in non-franchise newsagents.
Scud - Irn Bru "Haw, Cotter, geeza swatch o yer scud"
Scuddit- To be struck by, (Also see Kuwait, Gulf War One)
"Geordie hoassuck" George Hossack. often heard in muirend court in the sentence "git ahint the settee geordie hoassucks comin"
"geordie hoassuck" local tic man that sold shoes
"Yoan whichtniss bleendens yur een ken".
An observation by Mrs Allan from Castleoan to Ging Gang, circa late '70's, regarding the overhead glare of the Sun.
Underblo - Beneath
"Doon vi vi vee vids" . .
Down around the environs of the small woods (at the top of the Snab Brae)
Master J Shields, Castleoan, circa 76.
(Bon) Sate
An object where you can park your behind and allow your feet to rest.
(Eng) Seat
e'g : "Ye better git up ti Fisons kinny sherp or ye'll no git a sate"
Kinny Sherp = Kind-of sharp/quick
(noun) - Fluff
Black Man
(noun) of Bo'ness Ice Cream confectionery, a non-racist description of a chocolate nougat wafer.
Double Black Man
(noun) as above but with the ice cream sandwiched between TWO chocolate nougat wafers. Expensive.
Triple Black Man
Grangepans housewives' favourite.
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