Monday, November 30, 2009


I stand out in the freezing cold November weather so you don't have to.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

BUs March On in the Cup

Fly Emirates Scottish Junior Cup
3rd Round
Linlithgow Rose 1-1 Kelty Hearts

FACT: Every year the BUs have beaten Darvel in the Cup they've won it.
We awready bate thum this year mind.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Markybhoy Moves Inty New Pad

Marko wis along the night stealin some books n drinkin ma beer.

He is wonderin when we are haein a BOOB Xmas nicht oot?

Curry it the new Bassi, Anchor, Lithgi, mair?

Who's up 4 it?


France playin fi left ti right.
(Submitter: JoJo)

SU-BO's Cizzin Sparky Spottit in Supermarket Shocker

Bumped inty BOOB Sparky Malarky in Tesco's in Queensferry the ithir nicht. The ex-Dawson Placer, wha bidit ower the fence fi the Rooneys n doon the road fi Ainslie H, continues ti hod bleck belts in Judo, Karate, Aikido, Goshinjutsu, Nami Ryu Bujutsu, Origami n Nakamura.
Sparky is oot the Army n canny be bothered wi the cheffin, so he is currently tarmacing wi his cizzins the Boyles fi Blackburn.
Aye, if ye dinny ken, Sparky is related ti SU-BO, bit kin sing better eftir a few pints.
Sparky is dane fine n askn eftir yees.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Monday, November 23, 2009

BREKKIN: Hooses ti be built oan Sacred Grund

Plans huv been lugded wi the Cooncil ti build hooses oan the site i the former BU Club, G-pans.
Cooncilor Ann fi the Chip Shoap wul huv the task i namin the new development. Current frontrunners are Beer Mat Close, Skol Gardens, Auld Bingo Caird Smell Avenue. Any ithir suggestions?

Jackson's famous glove sells for £254,000 at auction


Saturday, November 21, 2009

Modern Warfare 3

Developers are already working on the next instalment of one of the best games ever created.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Previews of Forthcoming Attractions

Just got the new Hippodrome programme for December, January and February. Films heading EH51 way include sci-fi actioner District 9, Carey Mulligan in An Education, truer-than-you-might-think drama The Men Who Stare At Goats, the Coen Brothers' new movie A Serious Man, Matt Damon ("Mat Damon!") in The Informant!, Guy Ritchie's take on Sherlock Holmes, Peter Jackson's adaptation of The Lovely Bones and bleak-as-hell The Road. The big movie is James Cameron's Avatar. For kids there's The Fantastic Mr Fox and on the Saturday night before Christmas there's It's A Wonderful Life. God bless us, every one.

Xmas Gift Ideas

Waking Up wi a Large Hardon

Jist ower a year ago we published the above foaty and THIS POST.
Is it happens, the Hardon flopped, bit they are gonny fire it up again the morra.

The moarin's moarnin ye could wake up is normal, or mair likely ye could be a pile i atoms, sooked inty a swirlin vortex event horizon accordin ti this equation:

In essence this could be yir last night oan Earth, n that's how ye kin sell it ti the WAGs.
UPDATE: SUCCESS, oan baith fronts.

When I grow up

Submitter: JoJo

BREKKIN: By-Election Results In

Here are the results of the Bo'ness & Blackness by-election

The results of the first preference votes were:

Ann fi the Chip Shoap (SNP): 1,604 votes - 58%
Len fi the Shoe Shoap (LAB): 823 votes - 30%
Wife fi the Book Shoap (CON): 283 votes - 10%
Ootsider, probably works in a shoap in Fawkirk (LIBDEM): 79 votes - 3%

Since the majority i votes wur acquired oan the first count Ann fi the Chip Shoap wis elected it the first stage i counting.

Free Fish Suppers aw roond in Corvi's the nicht.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The BOOB next night oot.

Sportsmins dinnir, feck that, this is a night oot or in, oan yir ain wi kleenex.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Wit a cheatin French F**K!!!!!

If this isny a call fur FIFA ti start yazin TV footage like Rugby then wit the fek is???? Terry Enree is a cheatin bstrd!!!!!! FACT!

Some Band Serr

Reading 1992

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Kid Earnin

Ma dochter hus goat hersel a JOAB!
In yin i the Wean's Play areas up in Lithgi.
Ah kin hardly believe it, ma ain wee lassie oot workin!
Thir no lang in growin up.

That reminds me, she owes me dig money....

Friday, November 13, 2009

Mickey Mouse Competition

Look oot fur Goofy, Pluto n Donald Duck in nixt year's Fair procession, is Bo'ness is in the runnin ti be twinned wi Walt Disney World in Florida.
A nice wee holiday up for grabs fur the lucky Bo'nessian wha submits the best entry n a massive pairty in the Toon anaw.

Git yir entries in here.

Mind the closing date is next week.

Lithgi entered anaw bit nae chance.

Bo'ness hus character, Lithgi disney.

(Spotter: Wee Chas)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

BOOB Fitba Team Needit

The BOOB are entering a team in the above comp.
Tricky is soartin oot the registrations wi the SFA.
Aw thaim interestit pit yir name in the comments.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Bo'ness War Memorial was unveiled in 1924. Watch it here.

Monday, November 09, 2009

Fitba + Wummin = DANGER 2

Reservoir Dugs oan the Church Wynd

Original & Best

Jim Barrowman reminds us thit he wis yin i the founder members i the Boys of Old Bo'ness. He's goat the tatts ti prove it tae!

Spoartsmin's Dinner

The BOOB wur well representit it the Fair Spoartsman's Dinner oan Settirdiy it the Toon Hall. An eclectic mix i drunkards it Table 8 enjoyed thir Bo'ness Wedding Cake main course n the banter fi speakers Hugh Burns, Chic Charnley, Paul Reid n Shuggie Naismith. The BUs fi 84 wur in attendance - sum gid foaties ti cum btw when ah find oot who took them. Congrats ti Alan Ford, Ketal n Burnsy fur the organisation.The nicht endit oan a high note wi Not So Sags introducing the assembled throng at the Ricky P efterpairty ti Jager Bombs.

Bo'ness re-United

Back thegither eftir 25 years, the Bo'ness United Junior Cup winning team of 1984 made a welcome appearance it the Spoartsmin's Dinner it the Toon  Hall oan Settirdiy.
Thanks for the Memories boays.

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Protect the Lorne!

I read that there is a campaign to the give the Lorne Sausage a Protected Geographical Indicator, putting it alongside Parma ham, Arbroath Smokies and Melton Mowbray pies.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Locked On & Loaded

(Spotter: The Italian)

Yarr ! What be your name ?

If you've ever taped an LP, ripped a CD or visited a torrent site, get your official Pirate Name here :

I now be known as " Cap'n Bob Bloodgut".

Monday, November 02, 2009

It's Ma Baw n am Gon Hame

Shore Park
The crunch match between Grangepans Cosmos v Links United is abandint it half time (wi Links United leading 1-0 through a fierce drive fi big Davie Grant) due ti inclement weather n Wee GC's tea bein ready.