Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Bo'ness Attracts Indie Legends

Top investigative work by BOOB stalwart Nevets hus revealed thit leading Indie ootfit Belle & Sebastian wur in sunny Bo'ness ti shoot the pics fur thir new CD last summer.
The lassies wi the kilts oan are in the fotos oan the cover. How did we miss that yin?
Apparently it wis during the week before the Fair tae - could Tam Burns no uv goat them ti make an appearance it T in the Doogie Park oan the Fair Een?


Yan said...

See the guy oan the right wi the braces,he's the drummer
and a mate i mine fi perth, richie cockburn. The gets goat a fleece i mine thit a lent um when he wiz drummin fur snow patrol. In wi the stars me, likes.

Yan said...

Though ah huv ti say, ah widny mind bein in wi [or jist in]any in the lassies thair anaw!

Anonymous said...

Did ah evir tell yees aboot the time ah hud a drink wi Oasis? Well, I was sittn in the Hilton in Glesgy.....etc.

Yan said...

Whit aboot cooncillor droppin;]

WeeGC said...

not within a hundred yairds. is that no whit yer restrainin orders say?

Cooncillor droppin sounds like a winter olympic sport. Drop them oaf a steep slope through jaggy rocks!

Anonymous said...

Cllr Cox's travels ti Westminster oan behalf i is constituents huv led ti mair thin a few brushes wi the rich & famous. Maist notably wis his meetn wi Chris Eubank, whose prophetic advice ti 'yase the jab and counter wi a swift uppercut ti the Toryboy chin' wid later serve the said Cllr well.