Italia 90
Sixteen years ago, and fresh from seeing Scotland famously gub Sweden 2-1 in Genoa, some 600 miles to the East, the McKenzie Brothers celebrate the victory with a drunken wrestle. Later, they would cool off with a refreshing Nastro Azzruro Peroni at the Racquet Bar, enjoy a four seasons pizza wi 'Smiler' fi Paisley (who wid later achieve notoriety by kissing a Swedish poliswummin at Euro 2002), be asked to 'appear in a film' by a shady dutch swinger couple and end the evening with the customary 'march past' of a thousand fellow Scots, accompanied by the pipes and drums, until being advised to set off home by the local machine-gun toting Carabineri.
Futin must hae wee $ signs in his een at the sicht of the yelly skin on the fit oan the right of the foaty.
a fitbaw orgy? honestly you let need castrated!!did yeh hear this is the LAST ever FIFA!!...its getting so much hassle fae fightin fans 'n' stuff...there ir too many gay blokes watching apparently...
The above comment MUST be fi a wummin. Or hus Sam been booted ooty BB awready?
There ti watch fitba and some erse takes a book wi them. Don't tell mean it's a travellers guide ti gittin pished in Italy.
Heysir! We wur scum, bit well-read scum.
aw wid understand if it wiz JAZZ
They wur under the bed - gid yins tae, Italian. Ah kin still mind the look oan the auld wifey newsagent the selt thum ti, er, Binnz and Superplumb.
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