There he stands in Burns the Butchers.
Condemned for life in his shoap windae cell.
His hand bandaged fi an ealier accident wi an unguarded meat slicer.
Eternally choppn his leg i pork.
Chop. Chop. Chop.
Choppn n watchn the passers-by.
Choppn n watchn you.
Choppn n waitn fur the chance.
Choppn n waitn.
Waitn ti chop you.
its like the Boness verson of CHUCKIE..its a creepy thing..
Watch yer STEAK PIES! Usually the best steak pie in the toon. Wi him in the shop might start scarin the customers awa.
Ah'm no tryin' ti be funny, bit did the wee dummy jist blink thair?
By the way - my dochter devised and wrote the soliloque above.
She's very artistic don't u think?
Jist like her faither.
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