This year yeese ill be disapointet bit am walkin wi the bairns is a steward, so al no see yeese it the park in the moarnin is al hae front row saits. Also al be walkin ahint the best band in the world( no Status Quo bit Kinniel Band) so please show yir support when a pass yeese in nae hecklin.

Min you'll hae ti wear a suit, shirt coallar n tie.
In if any i the bairns faw oaf a float gaun up pat the Grange Skill, its aw ur fawt.
Am glad ti report by the way that she's oan the mend.
Better mind a pair i soft shoes. Mind and wear yir yellow and black shorts yi hud fi years ago.
Cairiden band is the best. A heard them in the anchor playin the fair song. If a mind right you were threir anaw lorne.
Yees wur obviously drunk - BAITH the Kinneil & Carriden bands wur in the Ham Shanker, it different times of course. Mind?
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