Me and Carrier were hain a wee chat the other nicht and thoat it wid be a half decent idea tae git a wee bit mair involved in the fair, efter some serious deliberating we came up wi a grand plan, BUILD A FLOAT. Am shair the BOOB boays could come up wi a crackin float and wi could aw participate in the procession. If yeese huv any feasible ideas please enter thum in. Hopefully nixt year wi kin start rebuildin the Fair intae sumhing tae be proud i and no the farce that it is turnin intae. Whaw kens mibbi the Double D's will dae thir ain yin tae and wi could start a trend.

Sounds like a plan, obviously our float wid have loads eh ladies in bikinis on it, blasting oot G-Snedd tracks!
huv been thinkin along the same lines. problem is gettin a vehicle ti decorate. onybody goat a spare van or trailer to donate?
Good points well made Cllr! The h & s n risk assesment side i hings is taken care i, n maist i us r awready disclosed - we kin soart that oot nae bother, nane i us r kiddy-fiddlers. That only leaves public liability insurance - sumbdy must ken an insurance broker?
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