And here's more clientele of the Bo'ness United Social Club on the same Fair before it was illegal to booze in the street. Everyone was so much thinner in those days.

- Memories of olden times that bring a tear to the eye, like sawdust fi a passing Anderson's lorry.
That wis the fashion in they daze, no bunblee bee klaze.
Don't understand a word anyone is saying - but I recognise a lot of you! Ah, those were the days!
To infinity and beyond.
calling all futin dets!
just cause yer a bit thick duznae mean yeh huv tae be an arrogant twat an be rude! ither join up an prove yersel or as you put it..
you smell??
iz that the best yeh kin dae??
stop it yer making me laff....no seriously stop.....plz......
Pettin the beaver? Is that an example uv playin wi a furry animal?
Oor busiest day evir(21st Nov).
futin det scarres aff yer visitors wi his bad manners!! its a disgrace tae aw grangepansers!! BOSS carrier beeds tae get him slapped!
And all I did was post some Fair photos.
It's aw you're fawt Nev!
futin det ...i ken carrier is the boss of this site!!! hes the MAIN man in aw that shit!!!!! im NO a spammer! im fae bo'ness and I even live wi a granepanser an huv wains tae! so NAAAAAAH to you! i hope yer wife denies yeh nuptules!
I hink yehz are aw jealiss cause carrier is obviously the best looking yin eh yez aw! its almost muteny on the BOOB!!
Fut, accoarding tae Mrs Det, 'nuptules' are aboot 2 meenits, fae urge tae fag.
See you Sunday btw? Wee side bet on the boolin, Trickys v Dets?
Fut, it wiz this yin, http://theboysofoldboness.blogspot.com/2006/09/great-dishes-yill-nivir-see-oan-menu.html#comments
tae gie him ideas fur his new menu, generate mair money tae squander at the bookies er the road fi the caff.
Lithgi High Street is noo littered wi cardiac casualties i the piece oan dook.
That post hud 41 comments btw, so mair thin this yin. Also the number i post wiz mair thin the number i bones in the human fit. 15 mair tae be precise ( or 13 mair if you include the sesamoid bones uv the big tae). Thurs the Talus, the Calcaneus, the Navicular, Cuboid, and three Cuneiforms (Medial, Intermediate, and Lateral),five Metatarsals, 14 Phalanges (taes min), in case anybiddy wiz interested. Which ah doot. Ah only mention this coz it connects tae anither post, the quiz yin, as ah learned this infurmation fi a felloe blogger at the stag night in question 7. Not normally sumthin I'd coancintrate oan an remember, bit it wiz a welcome distraction fi the Caligula like scenes i Carrier strippin aff an flingin hissel at the joab creation scheme stripper lassie an handing her the boattil i baby ile he just happened to huv broat ti the basement bar i the Ludge wi him.
Speakin i Stag nights, wiz anybiddy else it the joint do fur Danny P an Joak McGilvery? The one that ended wi 40+ bare buff naked guys on a bus hame fi Edinburgh?
What does "BTW" mean?
Behind the Wa nev. As ti nuptials there 3 minutes in ma hoose. Wi me being younger a cin last longer. Carrier is only a Boss in his ain hoose when naibody else is their.
If yi look it carriers fit. Where you ever double jointit. Must huv been aw they left fitters thit he went ti school wi huven a bad influence oan him.
Sorry fur poastn it this time, bit AH WORK fur a living n dinny spend friday efternins oanline unlike Tricky, Fut n Lorne ah see.
Anonymous - whilst u make the correct assertion in terms i looks, this site is a collective effort in far fi bein the "Boss" an am merely a "conduit" for the idiosyncratic thoachts i the BOOBS.
In ithir words am ah tube.
Jist spoken ti Lorne btw in he's gittn worried this threed will surpass his Menu yin.
Nae chance it that.
Is thir?
BTW = by the way.
aye he probs is bigger than you but he's goat a sare fitt so yer awrite!! awrite futin it seems yer an awrite man efter aw? my mistake! carrier..yer collective effort fur BOOB is guid....I jist thought you were the top BOOB.
living wi a panser is hard an makes me a bit crazy sometimes! am sure yer women folk will understand!?
a holistic moment. Efter takin 5 meenits oot uv ma 12 oor shift the day to post a mention i the scuddy bus trip hame, ah wiz at the fives the night, an as I wiz leavin the centur, I met Pop, whit reminded me that him and his missus had bagged a lift hame on said bus that night. How she contained hersel oan a bus full i Bo'ness's finest aw as nature intendit is a mystery.
Ah dae like a happy endn.
And aw i this cause a gave ma wee brither some foaties ah hud lyin aboot the hoose.
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