- Memories of olden times that bring a tear to the eye, like sawdust fi a passing Anderson's lorry.
Monday, November 27, 2006
"Not Another F***ing Fair Photo!" (<- Reader's Voice)
One more from the Yan collection (honestly, there's not much more left and soon I'll be able to bore you with my Fair photos). Certain faces have been obscured to protect the innocent. By the way Yan, where was this photo taken? Is the Viewforth carpark?
Sorry Mrs Tricky - defo ootside the Grange Skill. Evidenced bi the Grange Skill banner gaun doon the road, n the Metal Factory it Gpans in the backgroond. Yan - ah'm a richt or am a wrang?
Kammy's expert postman's eye (now there's a euphemism if ever I heard one) scrutinised said photo and he reckons it's just opposite the school gates at the Grange School.
This site wis set up by a group i bored thirtysumhings who grew up thegithir in Bo'ness, a quaint former whaling port and mining town oan the banks i the Michty River Forth windin thru the Glens i Scotland. The site is carefully worded in the Bo'ness dialect - please let us ken (know) if u canny understaun it afore breengin in. Be shair ti look it the comments under each poast - they are usually funnier than the stuff we pit up, and feel free ti poast yir ain!! We especially want ti hear fi aw they local petrochemical 'workers' who dae nuhin bit read this site n watch porn oan the nicht shift, in between turning a couple i valves n takin a fly heid doon.
Ootside the Grange Skill, naw?
I don't have your e-mail, but I have another photo with her in it -do you want me to upload it onto the site?
is that Fiona and Tracey's face that have been rubbed out?
Mrs Tricky reckons this wiz taken in Lithgi Road. Not a million miles fi whar ah'm sitting at the mo'.
Nice fur oan Tam C, him whit wiz oan the scuddy bus as well.
Sorry Mrs Tricky - defo ootside the Grange Skill. Evidenced bi the Grange Skill banner gaun doon the road, n the Metal Factory it Gpans in the backgroond.
Yan - ah'm a richt or am a wrang?
Tabs - naw.
The boay in the backgroond ti the right appears ti be wearin a SKIRT!!
Whit a fkn krasy mixed up transvesty place this is!!
And if I'm not much mistaken, it's Mr Futin Det.
Kin sumbdy confirm location i the said claes/klaze swap misdemenour?
Kammy's expert postman's eye (now there's a euphemism if ever I heard one) scrutinised said photo and he reckons it's just opposite the school gates at the Grange School.
I agree wi you & Reidy, Carrier. But dinny tell Mrs Tricky ffs
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