Embdy fancy buyin ma dining table n chairs oaf me? Ah've pit thum oan ebay bit huvny made the reserve yit.
Make me an oafir.
Foaty is recent, took it when ah goat up oot ma scratcher oan Sunday between adverts in Hollyoaks Omnibus.
- Memories of olden times that bring a tear to the eye, like sawdust fi a passing Anderson's lorry.
looks affy posh!!!!! i couldnae afford it on ma bf's meesley ineos salary.....and my dugs wid destroy it. whit year is it fae??? how much yeh asking??
ok OK i know im slow..(being female) but i just seen the NAKED man in the mirror!!!!!!!! how did i miss that? took a guid 10 mins of examining it!!! LMFAO
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