Thursday, December 07, 2006

Sole Trader

News oan the streets is thit an 'ootsider' fish van hus awready been seen trading it's wares doon the Toon trying ti 'mussel' in oan Chuckie Burnsees auld customer base. Fair play ti the boay, probably fi Pittenweem (even tho' they huvny landit a fish in the wee Fife village fur decades), fur seizin the initiative, bit yoan ootsider fish wul no be the same tastn is fish caught oot the Bo'ness doaks anyday, n ma Fridays wul nivir be the same again.

1 comment:

Tricky said...

Fear not Carrier. Mrs Tricky wiz at said fish stall oan Tuesday and the owner telt her that Robert Burns wiz yince his apprentice fish filleter. Ah still prefer tae support an independant trader.

Unless its the barstad whit stole yer piece oan dook idea and is cashin in big style sellin it tae the hungry, arterially challenged and fat folk i Lithgi.