Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Play the Pipes of Peace

Back ti the early Nineties fur this team foaty fur a charity match it Lithgi Rose's park. Ranjas team made up i ex-juniors fi the BUs n the Rose. Sellick represented by weel kent local Tims spannin the Flints.
Canny mind the score, bit a gid day wis hud bi aw.


Anonymous said...

No jist Sellick represented by weel kent local Tims spannin the Flints. Fk me its Willie Temps n Doodles Wilson in Gers taps. N how did that guy next tae Shovels get a place in the back row withoot a moustache?

Yan said...

Is that the Italian wi the CR Smtih toap?

Lorne said...

Looks like a yung Martin Platt nixt tae Kettle.

Carrier said...

Orpheus - well spoatit. Note how Temps is trying his best ti cover up the tap he wis forced ti wear wi foldit airms. Incidentally the non-hirsute guy in the back row is Shug McCann, ex-Alloa Manager, anithir Tim!

Yan - u r spot oan.

Lorne - fk aff.