Tam Burns explains the rules fur the hunnerth time.

BOOB eenbaw wi Broon, Markybhoy, Snash, Nev n long loast brithir Elvis ower a couple i Shandies.

Pint tummlers everywhaur, is chaos erupts when Dougie appears fi naewhair, n confronts Scott A aboot the earlier oan-field stramash thit led ti a flurry i rid cairds. K-Snedd oaffirs ti "hawd the jaikets".

Thankfully it's aw furgoatin aboot, n peace breks oot. That's Bo'ness fur ye - we kin faw oot, bit we EIWEYS faw back in again.

The dust settles, in the Hef's table kin git oan wi the business in hand - gittn fired inty that wee roond i drinks afore the table collapses.
Gid endn ti a gid day. Thanks ti aw players, supporters, freends and faimilies fur makin the Fairs Cup 2007 a great success.
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