Lithgi Mairches
Earlier Theday
Lorne Sossage, who hud earlier raised a few eyebrows wi his controversial Mairches Day Shop Frontage, rakes in the cash is the annual inclement weather forces hunners i drookit Black Bitches ti seek comfort in his High Street Bistro, sum i thum trying a roal oan Blackpuddin fur the very first time, invariably washed doon wi a "Blackness Milk" Latte or Frappucino.
Speakin of the marches here's a quote from http://www.lanarklanimers.co.uk/brochure_art_2005_08.asp
Whit's The Mairches A' Aboot?
Whenever Linlithgow Rose FC play local rivals Bo'ness United in a derby football match, the Bo'ness terraces ring with the refrain 'Whit's the Mairches a' aboot?" It's a taunt designed to annoy the Linlithgow supporters who are, to a person, staunch and loyal followers of the town's Day of Days, held every year on the first Tuesday after the second Thursday in June. The Bo'ness question sterns from the fact that, to the untutored eye, the Linlithgow Marches Day does seem an odd mixture of tradition, pageantry, ancient lore and unbridled revelry. To Bo'nessians, more used to their own Gala or 'Fair Day', involving nothing other than the crowning of a child Gala Queen, a few mock-heraldic speeches and a street procession, the Riding of the Marches must indeed seem a quaint and esoteric custom.
This, coming from a man who dresses up like the Mayor of Trumpton ??
Anither Mairches day ower and am mintit.
Mibbe ye'll staun yir roond the nixt time we huv a nicht oot noo?
(Prob Xmas it this rate)
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