The Annual Tommy Boatil Memorial Maisters wis played it a virtual Pebble Beach recently in the hert i Embra. Due ti work committments oanly fower BOOBers wur available ti participate namely Nots So, Davie S, Carrier n Superplumb wha coincidentally wis celbratin his 40th birthdiy. Eftir a herty free brunch i roals oan Sossage n Espresso it the famous Lorne's Bistro - if yir visitin try the "Ah've nae chinge" routine it works eviry time - it wis aff ti Fountain Bridge ti try oot the new Gowf in the City idea.
The teams wur Superplumb n Sags, versus the younger pairing i Carrier n Davie wi the gemme a Texas Scramble Fowerbaw fur skins. Here we see Superplumb givin the honour n teein aff it the furst. A nice long one up the valley.
Fower n a hauf hoors later n Davie kin hardly see the screen, nivir mind the baw, oan the par 5 14th hole.
Superplumb findin it hard ti focus oan the bag. Bi this time we hud been playn 5 hoors, wur oan the 5th (!) extra hole, gowf baws wur hittn aff windies n tables n the owners hud gied us a final warning fur the third time. We decided ti caw it quits n heid aff fur the train, the result an honourable draw.
The efternin wid end in the usual chaos is the boays made thir wey back ti Haymarkit via several hostelries.A grand day oot, although ah canny mind much i it due ti a bump ti ma heid.
1 comment:
Save a walk eh. Ah played Pebbil beach and qatar course when oan ma earlier holiday.
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