Sunday, May 16, 2010

Remember When...?

Today I went to see Cinema Paradiso, a nostalgic look at a child's relationship with cinema. Personally I can't remember going to the cinema much as a child, but I do recall the Saturday morning video club at the Bo'ness United Social Club where there was a volatile mix of Grangepanzers, fizzy juice and martial arts movies. I can't remember seeing anything there that could be classified as a children's movie. Was there?


Anonymous said...

Nae memories of childrens movies at the bu club or the hippodrome, but kin mind gittin under coonter porn fae alistairs vid shop it shaws aged 16. Magic min, whaw minds the classic remake of jaws - Gums, aboot a burd whaw sooks aff boays boabbies under the water, litterilly aff.

GPans said...

Aye ... Bruce Lee films every seturdi
doon the BU...
a mind a fight broke oot wi the auld boy running it when the tape jammed..

Carrier said...

Mind when the tape broke doon yin Settirdiy, G-pans legend auld Williamson startit telln rottin jokes.

"Did ye hear aboot the paper cowboy, etc.?

Jimmy Kidd's Tache said...

Haw! The burd in Gums wiz a mermaid. Came up throo the cludgie in yin scene. Porn vet Brother Theodore wiz Captain Clitoris wha oaffered to capture her. A quintessential seventies parady bi the American saft porn industry ti appeal ta a wider mairkit. Haw!