Monday, September 26, 2005

Bo'ness Rhymin Slang

First up "Awaw up tae Lithgae tae git some Lon Chaney".

Anymare Bo'ness rhymin slang? Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

"Am awa fur a Maggie Swedge doon the Ham Shanker"

I'm just off for a bottle of Magners at the Anchor Tavern

The Laddie McCallum said...
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The Laddie McCallum said...

Wiz in a night club thru Edmbra on seturday nicht, wiz like "Spot the white man" the place wiz fulla Fergal Sharkeys !!!


Jist back in fae a walk along Costa Del Crookies n back and am burstin for an Axle Foley
