Monday, September 19, 2005

Seamen - ly

It's amazn whit u kin find on the web.

I eiweys wondered aboot that auld ship that lay in the ship brekkin fur years. Mind it hud black and white windaes along the side? Like yin i they Airfix models ye used ti get oot i the Wid Shoap doon the toon ( now Remax).

Although only the hull wis visible, it looked like sumhin Nelson wi huv sailed in.

Now I think I've stumbled upon it's story here.

It wis called 'The Dolphin'.

And spookily - Nelson did sail in it.

History oan oor doorstep. It wid probably hav looked gid in the new doak basin, bit 30 years too late am afraid.

1 comment:

Mowgli said...

I don't think it was THAT Nelson, seeing as he died in 1805 and the ship wasn't built until the 1880s.