Friday, October 21, 2005

Whit's wrong wi this foaty?

Halle Berry oot fur a stroll up the Victoria Park, jist past the Fountain whaur Yan funt a wasp doon his T shirt.
Bit there's sumhing no quite richt in this pic.
A prize ti the first yin thit gets it.


Inga said...

Hi Carrier & Co - all the best from Iceland!

Anonymous said...

Velkomin Inga!
Því miður, ég tala ekki íslensku.
hvað er um að vera?

Anonymous said...

Huv u lot still no spotted it yit?

Anonymous said...

If u r talking aboot the foaty i several dudes in the BU Club Millsy - u THOAT u goat it bit u didny - oan the accoont i yin i the pictured no quite being divorced yit.

The correct answer wis they wir 'aw awa fi thir wummin'.

So u r no gettn the prize - ma Wedding Foaty Album.