Saturday, November 05, 2005

Auld & Hairy

Wee Gill is askn me whit a want fur ma Christmas. Apart fi the obvious answer, am no really wantin' fur anyhing else.

Bit am havn a constant battle wi ma ear hairs the noo, and wee 'spider legs' hinging oot i ma nostrils. Ah mind yin i ma female work colleagues telt me thit there's nuhin a wummin hates mair thin ear and nose hair.

Mind we used ti laff it they adverts fur the Remington Nose and Ear Clipper?

Looks like the jokes oan me.

Update: Git some practice in here

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dae ah take it that the lack i comments mean u lot are currently busy wi ur other hauf's tweezers?