Monday, November 21, 2005

Escorts to Her Majesty

The colours are aw washed oot, bit the memories never fade.

Here we see a proud Big Jean as he and his BB guard i honour escorts Queen Karen aroond Bo'ness oan yet anither Fair Day in nineteen oatcake.

Jean is under strict instructions by his Brigade Maister not ti 'brek rank' or face gettn a hunder lashes oan his bare buttocks wi a tennis baw in a soack along it the Mission Hall oan Cowdenhill. Such wis the punishing regime meted oot in they days i before corporal punishment wis done away wi.

The wry smile oan his face appears as he is safe in the knowledge that, later oan along it the Shows, he is gonny blooter every yin i his so-called pals standing ootside the BU Club and calling him a 'Bubbly Bairn'.

Update: Hing oan - is that a wee Stu McF in the foaty as tae?

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