Sunday, November 27, 2005

Whit's been happinin lately?

A think we've been losin the plot lately, this is meant tae be a LADS BLOG, whit's wi awe the strumpet cummin oan airin thur views, a think we should go back tae dain whit we set oot tae achieve, a place whor us blokes kin git stuff aff oor chists withoot the fear o burds takin ower, besides this is whor awe burds should be keepin us fellas happy. Chicks feel free wi yir comments but when it cums tae publishin hoosework tips (which nae doot wull see shortly) a huv tae draw the line Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

MILLSY!!!! get yer @r$e intae gear ma son an make me a cuppa char!! NOW or else its a frying pan ower the heed tae yeh!!

Anonymous said...

Well then lady viewers - huv ye goat any hoosework tips fur Millsy?
A prize fur the best yin - a free roll oan flat sausage it Millsy's restaurant.

Anonymous said...

Lorne? She?
Ah dinnyhinksy!!!