Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Sartorial Elegance

Vicky Park
Mid - Eichties

In whit could be mistaken fur the cover i the new Franz Ferdinand CD this specially enhanced foaty - ye kin hardly see the join - shows some i the lads oot fur a mid-efternin stroll along Grange Terrace.


rickyh said...

Well if only I kood wurk wi photishop as weel as you ma photis wid be majik jist like this mesterpeace!!! Its like sumhym oot eh the Next Directory

WeeGC said...

Should carrier no sti away fi grange terrace. If a mind right di yi no prang yer motor there?

Wiz the comment "a kin see the pub from here"! Not now you won't.

Mowgli said...

Our very own Grangepans version of the Islamic call-to-prayer.