Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Get Wisdom noo faq aff

Ah kin see Lusted, Aitken and Pollock and AH wisnae even it this skill!
How miny kin u spot?
Embdy goat any tales ti tell?


WeeGC said...

Theres' only one EGGO only one EGGO. Used ti skip oot his windy and run round ti the front door. F**k knows whit fur. See Gentleman there aswell. See Mr potato head next to Eggo. Come ti think aboot it, there's never a gun handy when meetin some i theese folk nowadays.

Tricky said...

Second front row, fourth from the right, Alison's Uncle Boaby Grant. Binnz bent his ear for over an hour at our wedding. We've no seen him since.

Anonymous said...

Lorne - better no repeat they allegations in case u git sued.

Anonymous said...

Tricky - who? Boaby Grant or the elusive Mr. Binnz?

WeeGC said...

Cox remember yir roots, dinnae git to carried awa wi yirself min. Jist remember you can take the boy oot the panz, but yi cannie take the panz oot the boy.

Tricky said...

Carrier, neither or. I think Uncle Boaby is still in therapy following the verbals. Haven't seen sight or silver hair of the other either. He did send his mammy round with a card when the twins were born.

Anonymous said...

Futin det made it may say it!

Yan said...

Who's the yin on eggos left again,he looks like bullit fi grange hill. Lorne,ypu've goat sum memory! Either that or ahv goat a shoite yin.

Anonymous said...

Pardon ma ignorince, bit whit yin is Eggo?

WeeGC said...

Along four left to right.One down. Bald heid.
He was a music teacher. Readjust that he hung aboot the music dept saying he was a teacher.

Yan said...

Ah hink yur right Lorne, n Futin- ah hink your even mair right, techi sumhin or ither. Binnz will be the man ti tell us who he is, him bein the techi wizard it skull,if ah remember rightly. Hence the reasin he huz ti wear glesses noo,aw that peerin it toaty wee lines.

Anonymous said...

N self abuse.

Tricky said...

That's unfair. He's naturally ticht-eened. Paddy suffers from the same syndrome.
The guy beside Guthrie Pollok, pink shirt, was called Prentice I think. Art teacher to visiting St Mary's boys. He stayed in Buchanan Court, I did his Sunday papers. He wore a shirt with wee pictures of the Pink Panther all over it.
Cox, I need to go to the toilet.

Yan said...
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Anonymous said...

Disclaimer: The comments and allegations of the contributor known simply as 'Lorne' do not in any way reflect the views or beliefs of the administrators of this website.

Anonymous said...

Tricky's reminiscing in turn reminds me of the time oor class also hud the immense pleesure of utilising the services of your fine educational establishment.
St.Mary's had a first and second year for a while and we used ti walk ower the road fur Art, Techy Drawin, Widwork n Metalwork.
In the foaty ah dinny see Pollock's fellow art teacher Kidd, or 'Vernicious Kidd' as we used ti call him using a clever play on words fi Charlie & the Great Glass Elevator. He wisny shy wi the belt in his dark room. See BOOB passim fur his eulogising of oor classmate Liam Malarky's Incredible Melting Man clay figure. Ma other memory i sittn is his class is Slim fi Gpans making life-like 'bovver bits' oot i clay up the back i the class - u couldny make it up min.
Bit wee Lusted, ah fine drawing teacher, and Aitken are there - did he evir try the 'catch the plank i wid before it hits the groond and ah'll no belt ye' routine -fkn hilarious!!

Mowgli said...

Ah, those halycon days........ let's start a smear campaign of the teacher we hated most.

Tricky said...

Izzat Mr Glynn-Jones, 2nd back row, far right, next to the pillar. Soft lad, eventually snapped. Moonlighted teachin Latin at StM. Turned up in one i them Oh Boy! photo strips that Viz ripped the piss oot of.

Anonymous said...

Ah Glynn-Jones!
Conjugate the latin verb 'Metto':
Halcyon days indeed.

Yan said...

Wha's the shady lookin yin it the back wi the shades oan. A ken thurs minny a shady yin thair bit he takes the biscuit. Huv ti say tho,whaurs Miss Young the French teacher. When a heard we wur gittin a Miss Young,fur sum un-known reasin a thoat it wis gaun ti be a Chinese wummin teachin us French! Whit an erse a felt when she walked in[n whit an erse it wis anaw!!]