No - "smokin' beef cigars" is not mentioned in the schedule to the Regulations.
And in defence i Cllr Cox - it wis MSPs who voted fur the ban, n they were elected by u, so evirbidy, incl. Lorne is ti blame, or be congratulated dependin oan ur view.
Bit a word i warning - according ti statistics passive drinking causes mair deaths and ill health every year.
This site wis set up by a group i bored thirtysumhings who grew up thegithir in Bo'ness, a quaint former whaling port and mining town oan the banks i the Michty River Forth windin thru the Glens i Scotland. The site is carefully worded in the Bo'ness dialect - please let us ken (know) if u canny understaun it afore breengin in. Be shair ti look it the comments under each poast - they are usually funnier than the stuff we pit up, and feel free ti poast yir ain!! We especially want ti hear fi aw they local petrochemical 'workers' who dae nuhin bit read this site n watch porn oan the nicht shift, in between turning a couple i valves n takin a fly heid doon.
Lorne actually gittin told ti go ti the bar. Aye you.
A couldnae lat ma self git a bad name goan ti a bar i the cellic personna. Oan the smokin does it mean nae BJ's in public aswell.
No - "smokin' beef cigars" is not mentioned in the schedule to the Regulations.
And in defence i Cllr Cox - it wis MSPs who voted fur the ban, n they were elected by u, so evirbidy, incl. Lorne is ti blame, or be congratulated dependin oan ur view.
Bit a word i warning - according ti statistics passive drinking causes mair deaths and ill health every year.
Whit nixt - ban drinking in pubs?
Since he became the new Laird i Stewart Avenue he husny been oot.
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