Tuesday, March 21, 2006


U've goat ti enlarge this dark foaty ti see it wi any clarity, but if ye dae, u will see a common sicht these days - a green aroond the gills, pre-spew Lorne chewn the cud.


WeeGC said...

It least yill no peel carrier fir goin near yir lassie. No like that wimmin's son.

Yan said...

Dumped whaw oan whaw? Ur yous talkin aboot that heider in the fibawers,feck aw ti dae wi me. Hur pal[hur fi fisons] went oot wi ma uncle n wished she'd mairried him insteed i ,to quote," the baistard uv been mairried ti fur the last 25 years!"Telt ma maw aboot that yin when a woke up,no sure whether ma uncle kens yit tho. Or ur yous talkin aboot sumbdy else thit ah canny remember aboot?