Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Talkin aboot reunions.

Mind wur awe gawn oot oan seterday nicht fur big Lowrie comin up, meet it the Anchor aboot 6-30 then head tae Lithgi, lit's hae a gid turn oot fur the big yin.(That includes Broon n Binnz) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

All 'Permission Tae Go Tae Pub' forms have been signed - so aye, Broon will be there.

Cannae speak fur the laddie Binnz, but ah'll huv a go at him.

Anonymous said...

Fair enough, bit ah'll probably still turn up jist the same.

Anonymous said...

Ah spoke ti the laddie Binnz the ithir day - he said he wis gaun.
Whit aboot the Plumb n Sags - huvny heard fi thum fur a while - r u up 4 it? The Italian and the Gilooly brerrs hud also intimated thir presence. Coxsy boy and yan - r u 2 still cumn thru'? Les Fils de Chambres? Futin Det - r u gittn oot? WHit aboot reidy and nev? - Tricky? Whit aboot the laddie McFarlane? Let us ken whits happn!

Anonymous said...

ah'll be thair, but the Famous Gilooly Bros. wullny mek it.
Marky bhoy's in the hostipul, ah'll gie yi the details in the boozer. Thon Paddy yins' goat baby sittin problems.

Yan said...

Ah'll be there. Wur no gaun fur a meal again tho, ur wi? Unless its ti a chippy! Lookin forward ti it, it's like a pre seasin fair day fur me.

WeeGC said...

Don't know yet. At clyde on sat, have to get some brownie points before then. If a make it are we going fir something ti eat.

Anonymous said...

Ah think the consensus is that we huv oor ain teas, n jist yase the precious time oot fur alcoholic imbibement. Agreed? Am gon ti a Motorbike show it Ingliston oan settirday efternin and might hae ti join up l8r.

Anonymous said...

Sound fine. Findus crispy pancakes it is !!

WeeGC said...

Or a big hairy ersed dyke.

Anonymous said...

Binnz oan the fone the nicht - defo gaun. C yees thair. Lookn 4wrd ti a gid swally and BOOB eyebaw. Goad help the citizens i Lithgi.

Anonymous said...

iz there ony room fur a puir wee wench wha needs sum male company? com'on boys ?