That's why ma heids like that,cos i aw the hats av woarn ower the years. Nevets cairries the gene,no me. Remember, ah nivir went bald bi the time ah wis seeventeen. Wha wid huv thoat it wid be him n no me thit loast it aw. Tho he could probably transplant it fi his airms oanti his heid. Ah kinny thoat ma hat wis it yours Carrier, an auld trick ti make sure ah return. Cheers fur the hospitality n whiskies by the way,mucho appreciated.
Have any ither readers goat sibling angst ower bodily parts, or lack thereoff? Perhaps your brerr has got a gless eee? Or a sister wi eleevin taes? Please poast yir comments here.
Ah hink ahv upset ma wee brerr,whit dae yooz hink? Sorry big man,nae offence meant. That'll confuse awbdy thit's no fi Bo'ness. "It's his wee brerr bit he calls him big man?"
How minny ither folk huv goat a wee brerr thit's bigger thin thum? Mines hus been bigger thin me since ah wis five, n he's oanly three years younger thin mi! Although if ye look it maist i the foatys i me ye kin see that nae probs. Nevets, you are mair thin welcome ti show that foaty i me oan hoaliday eatin a watermelon ti show ma big smile, BIG SMILE
Taller younger brother? Watch "Everyone hates Chris" on Channel 5. Yes, a programme on Channel 5 that's good and doesn't involve sharks or the Third Reich.
This site wis set up by a group i bored thirtysumhings who grew up thegithir in Bo'ness, a quaint former whaling port and mining town oan the banks i the Michty River Forth windin thru the Glens i Scotland. The site is carefully worded in the Bo'ness dialect - please let us ken (know) if u canny understaun it afore breengin in. Be shair ti look it the comments under each poast - they are usually funnier than the stuff we pit up, and feel free ti poast yir ain!! We especially want ti hear fi aw they local petrochemical 'workers' who dae nuhin bit read this site n watch porn oan the nicht shift, in between turning a couple i valves n takin a fly heid doon.
That's why ma heids like that,cos i aw the hats av woarn ower the years. Nevets cairries the gene,no me. Remember, ah nivir went bald bi the time ah wis seeventeen. Wha wid huv thoat it wid be him n no me thit loast it aw. Tho he could probably transplant it fi his airms oanti his heid. Ah kinny thoat ma hat wis it yours Carrier, an auld trick ti make sure ah return. Cheers fur the hospitality n whiskies by the way,mucho appreciated.
You'll need to hav a poker night. No sexual inuendo needed guy's. Thanks fir hospitality at chez carriers.
at least the wee sister has still got lots of hair
That last poast looked awfy like sumbdy blawn her ain trumpet ;0)
Thanks for that Yan. Give everyone a toothy smile the next time you see them. A REAL smile, if you know what I mean.
Have any ither readers goat sibling angst ower bodily parts, or lack thereoff? Perhaps your brerr has got a gless eee? Or a sister wi eleevin taes? Please poast yir comments here.
Ah hink ahv upset ma wee brerr,whit dae yooz hink? Sorry big man,nae offence meant. That'll confuse awbdy thit's no fi Bo'ness. "It's his wee brerr bit he calls him big man?"
Sumhin else ah meant ti say, dis Lorne no look like he's waitin fur sumbdy ti approach him fi behind wi yin i thay pool cues? Oanly askin like;]
N he's mairit ti Lorne's sister's cousin.
How minny ither folk huv goat a wee brerr thit's bigger thin thum? Mines hus been bigger thin me since ah wis five, n he's oanly three years younger thin mi! Although if ye look it maist i the foatys i me ye kin see that nae probs. Nevets, you are mair thin welcome ti show that foaty i me oan hoaliday eatin a watermelon ti show ma big smile, BIG SMILE
Taller younger brother? Watch "Everyone hates Chris" on Channel 5. Yes, a programme on Channel 5 that's good and doesn't involve sharks or the Third Reich.
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