Steven Nevets, bass player with the now defunct Andrew Collins band.

Dr.Yan, Professor of Oceanography, University of Delaware.
It's a bloody disgrace.
- Memories of olden times that bring a tear to the eye, like sawdust fi a passing Anderson's lorry.
Typical poalitishun. Breenges in, talks bolloxs, makes an excuse, buggers aff.
Izzat a comb-over on Dr Yan, by the way?
'Breenge' - noo there's a gid Bo'ness word.
Yer helluva touchy Coxy. Sounding like the usual Coanstabil retort to criticism in the journal.
If ah could only find a pic of Councillors Cox & Evans from the Vic & Bob shows, you might get the jist of the threed.
Cox do you find yerself in the local rags barating yer opponents. Because the Jornals full i that pish every week. Sugestion is to slap it oot oan ti the table and wa evers got the biggest set i baws wins the day.
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