Is long is that cant Carrey disny come along. The maist unfunny get oan the planet if ye ask me. N if ye dae, ahl tell ye,"he's the maist unfunny get oan the planet!" Is it jist me or dis embdy else hink the wurld wid be a better place if he nivir showed up oan anyhin again,unless it wis a hearse
He certainly is a bit of a yin trick pony wi his facial gymnastics - but can we have a considered opinion fi oor resident celluliod expert Nev oan this yin?
Did u click oan the link btw? - its like sumbdy wis filmn us oan oor last night oot.
This site wis set up by a group i bored thirtysumhings who grew up thegithir in Bo'ness, a quaint former whaling port and mining town oan the banks i the Michty River Forth windin thru the Glens i Scotland. The site is carefully worded in the Bo'ness dialect - please let us ken (know) if u canny understaun it afore breengin in. Be shair ti look it the comments under each poast - they are usually funnier than the stuff we pit up, and feel free ti poast yir ain!! We especially want ti hear fi aw they local petrochemical 'workers' who dae nuhin bit read this site n watch porn oan the nicht shift, in between turning a couple i valves n takin a fly heid doon.
The driver i the car reminds me i big Lourie.
Is long is that cant Carrey disny come along. The maist unfunny get oan the planet if ye ask me. N if ye dae, ahl tell ye,"he's the maist unfunny get oan the planet!" Is it jist me or dis embdy else hink the wurld wid be a better place if he nivir showed up oan anyhin again,unless it wis a hearse
He certainly is a bit of a yin trick pony wi his facial gymnastics - but can we have a considered opinion fi oor resident celluliod expert Nev oan this yin?
Did u click oan the link btw? - its like sumbdy wis filmn us oan oor last night oot.
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