- Memories of olden times that bring a tear to the eye, like sawdust fi a passing Anderson's lorry.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
Central Park, New York, October 2003. They say everyone has a doppelganger. When I had my holiday pictures developed Kammy noted a remarkable similarity between the man looking over his shoulder (next to the person with the 3 shirt) and a certain Bo'ness plumber. What do you think? Like or not like?
This site wis set up by a group i bored thirtysumhings who grew up thegithir in Bo'ness, a quaint former whaling port and mining town oan the banks i the Michty River Forth windin thru the Glens i Scotland. The site is carefully worded in the Bo'ness dialect - please let us ken (know) if u canny understaun it afore breengin in. Be shair ti look it the comments under each poast - they are usually funnier than the stuff we pit up, and feel free ti poast yir ain!! We especially want ti hear fi aw they local petrochemical 'workers' who dae nuhin bit read this site n watch porn oan the nicht shift, in between turning a couple i valves n takin a fly heid doon.
Deffo lookielikey,unbelieveably.Twa Superplumbs.Well, Computer Supplies did say New York oan the side i thur vans, did they no?
It's a mid-eichties Superplumb tae.
Spooky stuff.
Ah've jist noaticed - the lassie ti the left i Superplumb is the spittn image i GAIL tae!
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