Monday, February 13, 2006

Come n huv a go

BOOB wis well represented at Setterday's BU 4-nil cup win ower a hapless Neilston it Newtoon Park. Wi oor skin tight bits and yelly laces, the Snasher, Markybhoy and maself felt right at hame in the Jungle alongside the BYT who huv earned a bit i a tasty reputation during this year's cup run. We wanted ti see whit aw the kerfuffle wis aboot, thinkn back ti oor days runnin' wi the Toon Service Firm, like yon film the Fitba Factory. Crowd violence wis, however, limited due ti some well-placed Heras fencing, however, sumbdy did manage ti nick the Neilston's supporters flag.

Chinged days fi Caffy streaking at halftime tho'. N speakn i halftime - whit evr happnd ti the age auld tradition i thrown coins it the folk's heids haudin the Fair collection blanket - that's a real shame that's been dunawawiy.

Thoat ah wid hav seen Binnz and Broon in amongst the hooligans, bit nae joy. We did bump inty former BYT top dogs Stanley 'Knife' Matthews n Big Mad Kev Robbo tho' who wur daein thur best ti git a 'bouncy bouncy' gaun.

Next Month: How we goat a kickn at the Quarter Finals

Added pic gidness:

Bridgeness Thistle's silky midfielder Danny Paiterson is mid-Mexican Wave as O'Boyle nets the third goal.


Yan said...

Carrier, ah hope the three i yooz wurny scarfed up. Howz big stan dain by the way? OVD is ayewiz gid fur a bit i bother wi the BYT or is the young guvs thit run noo[thats run inti,no awaw fi]

Anonymous said...

Dinny see Stanley boy as much as I'd like ti - need 2 git his email address ti git him ti post sum foaties.

Watch oot fur the QF draw!

Yan said...

Skin tight bits? A believe it's skin tight jeans,if ma memory serves me right. Di ye need a scanner or sumhin ti pit foaties on here,as am gaun ti hae ti buy yin otherwise. As stated previously, am a bit i a luddite when it comes ti these hings. Gid foaty i Danny P by the way

WeeGC said...

The juniors will be hopin wi git anither hame draw so the travilin nutters are kept in thir ain back yaird. Clydebank at hame wid dae. They've got a big fan base. Would probably see aboot two thoosand it the game.

Anonymous said...

When's the draw Wee GC - u move in te right mean circles?

Anonymous said...

2 l8!

Ah kin answer ma ain question - its oan Scotsport SPL oan monday night. C'moan the BUs!

WeeGC said...

Is it not on scotsport first!