Monday, February 13, 2006

A kin hear the Icey

Evrybidy's goat a particular phobia bit mine's is cleshing ma teeth affy ice. It aw stems fi the time ah went 'a over t' it the Time Capsule and split ma napper. That's why ah canny watch yon Celebrity Ice Dancing - ah jist canny bear the thoat i sumbdy takin a heider n munching frozen tundra - even that Bonnie Langfurt.

Ye kin imagine ma dismay the night when Gill insisted oan watchn the Pairs skating it the Winter Olympics. Awright - whit kin go wrong ah said? These pros huv been practisin fur years n that.

Lo n behold the final Chinese pairin git oan the ice n - u've guessed it - the lassie goes fleein trying ti dae a quadruple salko. Luckily, her face avoided the ice bit she did the splits n landed right oan her 'Mound i Venus'.

Gill hud ti 'comfort me' in the usual manner.

1 comment:

Yan said...

Ah saw that anaw,Bambi oan ice sprang ti mind. Is weel is" a bet she's fridge it noo"