Ah spotted Auld Tam Dalyell ralliyn his Jag up the Church Wynd the ither day, ah think he hud been doon ti Lidls ti check oot the special offers. Foreign visitors might like ti ken thit Dalyell wis the notorious MP who posed the now famous 'West Lothian question' in the House of Commons, i.e. "Whit is Lithgi aw aboot?".
In a related question to ma fellow G-panzers - wha remembers, years ago, that lassie 'Dalyell' thit (allegedly) yased ti gie line-ups doon it the garages along fi the black n white squares?
U lOt ArE mUcKiNg FeNtAl!!
Ah mind the name n the rumours bit canny pit a name ti the face. Why,huv you came across hur lately{like quite a few ither panzers if ye believe the rumours}
Special thanks ti Tam fur poastin the first comment.
Ah kin mind i her, bit no in the biblical sense, unlike hauf i Gpans.
Jist ma mind playn tricks again, wee flashbacks when ah hear certain names - the first signs i senility settn in?
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