Efter a bad batch i Stovies shut doon the cafe, Lorne and his trustit pooch Toby go doon hill. Efter bein knoacked back by his fellow BOOB he is left tae sleep aff the drink in the Doogie Park nixt tae the flag pole dryin his baws in the wind. Hey if yi canny take the pish oot yirsel yi canny take the pish oot i naebdy.

That CANNY be you! His boaby's much bigger thin yours!
Oan this computer while your sleepn. Checkn oot the filthy sites yuv been oan when ah'm doonstairs ironing yir Chefs Klaze. Sites like that www.stileproject.com whaur ye goat the foaty fi. Ya fkn clert u r gittn it when u wake up.
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