Sad news, big Lourie is splitting fae his wife and movin back up here, he has informed us he wants it pit aboot thit Big Shagsley will be back in toon tae work oan wife number 3, the move will be in the New Year, will keep yeese awe up to date oan procedings.

Sorry to hear it didny work oot fur the big man, bit, based oan ma ain experiences THE FUN STERTS NOO!
but why did his wife no want him? does his machinery no wurk nae mare?? yeh cannae flog unusable goods on the internet!!! wit assets hus he goat?? (in inches plz)
Fk me - he's been singul fur aboot seevin meenits in Big Jean's gittn hit oan awready! The auld Fountainpark Cressy magic is still thair, ay?
I kin assure the obviously female anonymous poster thit Jean is fulli functional and has sired at least twa bairns (we ken aboot).
N anithir hing - whit makes ye si shair thit this wis his wife's decision?
Anyweys, if yir still interested email yir details n foaty ti us n wul pass it oan ti Jean, or "Fit-long" is we yased ti caw him.
Last time we seen Big Jean he wis quite merry. Is he comin back up the road fir the new year bash?
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