So against it's better judgement Snash's Japanese maple decides ti go fur a wee wander doon The Boag. The Polis chap oan eviry door in Stewart Avenue bit draw a blank.
Mysteriously, they overlook the fact thit maist hings thit are kidnapped try n communicate wi thir faimily. The wee tree had been leavn behind tell-tale clues i compost n yon wee polystyrene beads ye pit in the boatim i the pot ti aid wi hydration i the roots, ken. This trail led right doon the Toon.
Lo n behold the wee Tree wis sittn it an angle in a pot it the back gairdins i the Modal. The Polis reunited it wi it's owner soon eftir.
Enquiries are continuing, bit sumbdy wis heard shoutn oot i a windy acroass fi Lidl's "If it wisnae fur yoose pesky meddlin BOOBs ah'd uv goattin awa wi it".
Meanwhile, even the weeds in Snash's gairdin are padloakt.
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