Sunday, July 30, 2006

Witajcie ti Bo'ness!

Unlike sum, ah'm aw fur openin up the EU ti ithir countries ind ah'm pleased ti see thit Bo'ness is noo floodit wi Poles, filling much need employment poasts fi the tattie peelers in the Shunk ti the wee lassie takn the orders it Dhillons in G-pans.
Bit sumbdy should huv a word wi thum aboot thir dress sense, like the lassie above spotit in Lidls checkn oot the hauf price ingins, nae doobt fur a nice wee pierogi ruskie.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Tongs tae the doubters.

Angie baby, see you boys wi nae taste, it the end i the day votes coont, me and wee yan only voted yince each, so jist goes tae show me in the wee man ken oor burds. Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 28, 2006

Like bein on Magic Mushies

Bored? Nae time ti go up the Golfy n look fur thum?
Try this insteed.
Experience real hallucinations, nae drugs necessary

Thursday, July 27, 2006

BOOB vote recount - hanging chads

Mind that poll we hud a few months back?

See here ti remind ye.

Ah wis lookn back thru the archives and noticed thit oor clartier visitors wir still voting! When ah last looked, young Page 3 stunna Keeley wis oot in front wi 32% i the 50 votes cast and wis declared the winner. Howevir ah furgoat ti close the poll, n noo we've received 106 votes!

N the new winner is.....fkn Big Store Windy Lips Jolie! Wi 38% i the votes tae. Ma ain theory is thit baith Lorne n Yan huv rigged this sumhow.

Anyweys ah ken when ah'm bet, give way ti the honourable gentlemin and will allow them ti poast thir favourite foaty i the winner.

Snail Trails

Jist yin i the miny Ednbra MILFs literally wettn themselves wi excitement it the prospect i the famous Boys of Old Bo'ness cumn thru fur DJ Kiltie's Stag Do.
Loak up yir mither's brithirs cizzins sisters!

Last Call

This video's been daein the rounds.
Stick wi it ti the end. Pretty shockin really, min.


Wis along it Carriers the night, went up tae the toilet fir a dump and funt this in the bath hidden under a towel, lazy baistert. Seems oany effert wid kill im. Posted by Picasa


The wife boat me a present last week fir ma nixt night oot, am tellin yi a hink she disnae trust me. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Brekkin News - Doaks Scheme

Cooncil give green licht.
See here.

Gittn Here

It's amazn the phrases folk type inty Google ti arrive here.

The best yin so far hus ti be Michelle Thorne Big Sausage.

Try it fur yirsel.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

ZZ - the truth

Finally, the real story i whit happened between Zidane and Materazzi here.

Award Winning Bo'ness Blog

A big thanks ti aw contributors following our recent success in the Web Awards. Like other websites in Bo'ness that receive mair publicity in the Jurnal even tho' they git less visitors, am no bitter aboot it tho', this blog is also run purely fur fun without financial gain.
Withoot the dedication and professionalism i aw volunteers, fi the BOOBs, thir WAGs right doon ti Isa the cleaner, this internationally-renowned blog widny be possible. So yince again, many thanks and here's ti the continuing memories i the Boys of Old Bo'ness. Plenty mair ti cum tae.

Poles Apart

This Dutch dude is claiming a first, bit aulder BOOBs will remember that this invention wis first hypothesised in G-pans. The floating bed wis the favoured night-time abode of Skids Oanmapants, star of the comic strip 'Futureshock' that appeared in the Grangepans-published weekly paper for boys 'Trash Can' during the early eichties.
Although toying with the idea of full-scale production in Futin Det's hut, the BOOB later rejected the idea in favour of using mullet hairstyles, Sta-press waffle troosers oot i Wevlings, tassle shoes and Brut ti magnetically attract unsuspecting wummin inty bed, and later, marriage.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Bo'ness Fair Dodgers

Efter an enjoyable trip ti Embra ti Games Gallery ti buy over-priced and 'deadly if swallowed' molten lead Runequest figures the lads wid oaften be a bit shoart i cash fur the journey hame. Streetwise BOOB, howevir, eiweys headed fur the front i the train kennin thit the Ticket Collector widny reach thum afore arrivn in Lithgi.
This trick still works to this very day.....

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Fancy a ride?

Following this week's Runaway Mine Train accident it Alton Towers (29 injured), embdy thinkn aboot gaun oan the shows it any i yon Theme Parks should probably check oot this site first.

UPDATE: 28/6 - Anithir yin bites the dust.

Sand in his eee

Tracy NotsoSaggy has sent us a wee hoaliday snap i hir hubby's fitsteps oan the beach.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Free caption competition.

oops............. Posted by Picasa


this is for anyone whaw is stuck in a 80's timewarp, check oot Mathew Wilder, worst bit i mimin since carrier it the Live Aid pairty tae Midge Ure. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Cafe del Doaks

A thousand clubbers, hippies and fire jugglers (all jist oot i shot) 'chillax' ti the sounds i ambient house music, as the sun sets oan anither marvellous day, so typical i Bo'ness in July.

Ah Widny Let It Lie

Suffering for their art, Vic & Bob time travelled forward, researched local government in central Scotland and returned back with material for Councillors Cox & Evans. Watch out for litter bins in the shape of the Krankies on Stirling High Street.
Noo do ye get it Coxy?

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

ReMaxx an Yin-Key Watch Oot

At first I thot this wiz anither imposter, but more ah think, ah reckon it may be the real thing, moon lichting into real estate

Mair Imposters!

Steven Nevets, bass player with the now defunct Andrew Collins band.

Dr.Yan, Professor of Oceanography, University of Delaware.

It's a bloody disgrace.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Nae Luck

Today's ironic headline here.

Cruel Summer

Lorne contemplates jumpn inty the freezn cauld pool it his Villa in Portugal ti warm his sell up a bit.
Meanwhile, back in Bo'ness, the lads are bastin' in the heatwave.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Time fur anithir nite oot?

Noo yir aw back fi yir holidays or mairit, time fur a Summer BOOB-meet lads?

A night oot like this wid dae.

BOOBs or Brazilians

According to this site here, if BOOB hud Brazilain fitba names, this is whit the squad wid look like*:

Goalkeepers: Colildo, Superplaldo, Stualdo

Defenders: Lornito, Claudio Futin dino (Captain), Gão Santos, Risco

Midfield: Scildo, Jaça Peres, Ceta, Trisco, Nevão, Stua

Forwards: Mito, Carrieiro, Daldo, Yincha

Match official: Grahiano (Brazil)

*(based on combination i real first name n BOOB surname)

Friday, July 14, 2006

Its Tough Bein a Smout it T in the park

Arctic Monkeys gein it laldy, bit this view oanly obtainable by haudin ma fone above ma heid. Itherwise thesame auld stoary - couldny see a fkn thing.

White Van Man

Impostor spoattit oan the brig this moarnin.

Wee Dek

Even oan the wedding day he still got ti take his claithes aff!

Update: Aw the best wee man fi the BOOB!

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Bo'ness Fair a washoot

While maist i us wur gittn soaked during the procession, this pair wur gittn "saturated" fi the inside oot!

Felix Da Hoosecat rockn BOOB

Younger BOOBs hud a great time mashn ti the Cat, despite difficult underfoot conditions (quagmire).

Turn up the volume, Enjoy.

Shout oot ti Flash Vegas

Ootside the Slam Tent, T in the park 2006
Wish you could have been there, man.
Aw the best fi the Boys of Old Bo'ness.

The Magical Surreal Dreamlike Quality i Bo'ness

Jist anithir typical eftirnin in Bo'ness as Thomas the Tank Ingine reverses doon Boundary Street, The Bronx, returnin hame eftir a hard shift.


A joyous virtual Binnz lifts the World Cup in triumph havn won the BOOB sweep eftir his lucky Italians nabbed victory oafy Superplumb's onion munchers.

Well done sir! Special prize oan its way - some gowf baws.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Sunday, July 09, 2006

World Cup Final

Well, efter 63 games we are doon ti the last two, n its Superplumb v. Binnz in the final.
Strangely, baith are in Devon it the moment, struggln fur reception oan thir wee caravan poartables.
Good Luck ti yees.
The winner gits that special prize mind.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

We are Here

A nice wee view i Bo'ness fi Salisbury Craigs in Embra, esp fur foreign visitors oan the nicht.

Number crunching

£24,000 - alleged cost of taking part in Bo'ness Fair.

£25,000 - 5 days of advertising debt consolidation loans (secured on your property) in the Daily Mail
(source: )

Falkirk and Region Trios

He started oaf on his blue grifter doon it the Bronx, noo he hinks he's Dennis Hopper!
Yan takn a brek fi burnin rubber in Crete.
Only he and Nev might understand the title i this post.

Message to Daily Mail readers fi BOOB

Git it right up ye!!!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Mair like it!

The day eftir the Fair n this is mair like it.
Sittn in the Star Beer Gairdin, sun splittn the pavements, huvn a wee celebratory shandy eftir watchn the Auld Enemy (lits no make any bones aboot it) gittn spankd, eftir a wee Wayne jist aboot burst a boay's chuckies.
Several English supporters had jist left the Star in disgust eftir the boy Lee Robbo n Banksy hud startit a chorus i 'England's going home' in the Back Lounge. That wis foallied by a game i penalties eftir sumbdy produced a leather. It reminded me a bit i that fateful day in 96 in Superplumb's back gairdin.
Anyways Not So Sags and Superplumb appeared eftir playn gowf (a draw) to join in the merriment.
The above foaty wis taken jist efitr Wee Gill hud telt Sags thit his "wee one" wis braw.

£4 fur a Dodgem

Still managed ti git ti the Shows wi ma sis-in-law n the bairns.
Check oot the weather it the back i six!!
Wid brek ur hert min.


Efter aw they foaties ower the years, here's the reverse view showing the ful clan it the start i G-pans.
N aye - that IS Noddy Hindirsin wi the long hair!!

Singin' in the Rain

Nev comes wi his ain umbrella.

Bright Sol lendeth he-haw

This is the worst day of the year.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Sad news

Sorry to have to tell u that Nash's Dad passed away peacefully this morning.

Our deepest sympathy to the family from all at The Boys of Old Bo'ness.